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Location: Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

16 October 2004

Adventure - part 2

The next day we would meet my dentist-student at Panthip Plaza for some shopping, for those who don't know, Panthip is a department store with five floors of every kind of computer stuff, hardware, software, digital camera's, dvd's, both legal and illegal, you can find the latest software and movies there very cheap if you don't mind if it's pirated.
It's very much like a computer discount show in the West, just a bit bigger.. ;) You have to shop around and compare prices to find the best shop for your desired piece of hardware.
We had quite a shopping list and it took about an hour to find some good prices, but in the end we saved a nice amount compared to the regular prices, enough to buy a very nice dinner later that night. :)
She also wanted some dvd's for her son, some cartoons, but it seemed the police had been looking for pirate movies in the morning so it had a very underground feeling today, the guys selling dvd's constantly looking out for trouble, but we managed to find a nice collection of movies, only we had to wait for 20 minutes because the dvd's were stored in a safe place somewhere else, it was all very tricky, but 20 minutes later we were ready to go and join BKK traffic..

By now it was already almost four in the afternoon, just when traffic starts to get really bad. Dada was driving, he kind of knows his way around BKK, I really don't, I just take the bus everywhere I go, it's slow, but quite relaxed.
We had to pick up some more things at a few places around town, but it was very very slow going, it was mostly gridlock all the way, we took a few pieces of expressway (expressways are elevated highways going over parts of BKK) where we could drive a bit, but down on the streets traffic is a disaster.
It took us almost three hours to get to two houses to pick up some stuff to take to Rayong..

Dada had to stay in BKK to take care of some things, so around 6:30 at night I started the drive back to Rayong, luckily once I got out of BKK traffic was pretty light so we could drive along very nicely and everything seemed to go very well..
Until we were almost home, we were just on the outskirts of Rayong when suddenly the engine went dead! So I pulled onto the side of the road and tried to start the car again, nothing.. Then I saw that the fuel meter was on empty and I realized that Dada had only filled the tank halfway before we left and this car really uses a lot of fuel, so we were out of fuel.. :(
Luckily I saw there were two gasstations close by, but on the other side of the road.. We had an empty water bottle lying around in the car, so off I went with my bottle..
The road was four lanes going both ways, luckily there were some breaks in the traffic or I would never have been able to cross.. On top of that the piece of ground seperating the two sides was four meters of swampland, so after almost losing my slippers, sinking up to my ankles in the mud and crossing 8 lanes of highway, I arrived at the first gasstation to find it closed! :(
Walk another five minutes to the second gasstation.. and yes, it was still open, I got my bottle filled, 1.5 litres of gas, should be enough to reach another gasstation, back across the road and the swamp...
Fill up the car with the bottle and yes, it worked! The car started!
A few minutes later we enter town, find a gasstation and fill up..

Phew, home at last, by now it's about ten o'clock, time for dinner, so we find a nice outside restaurant in town and have some great food, sometimes life is very good.. :)

Later there would be more car troubles, the gearbox is very bad and the battery is also always giving trouble, but these are the standard problems with this car, not really worth a story.. :)


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